Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Snip-Its: what we are going for...

The first edition of Snip-Its and Sounds for a Thursday took place in May 2009.
Since then 5 more Snip-Its and Sounds have taken place.

The basics:
Christina Gesualdi Lauren Mathis want to get in the habit of piecing together bi-monthly shows at Mascher called Snip-Its and Sounds. We are in the process of fine-tuning our ideas about what we want the series to be and so far we have this:
  • it will always be on a Thursday night at 8 so it doesn't compete with other weekend plans.
  • we will keep it simple and informal
  • we will market it only so the word gets out. It is more about marketing the date and intent of the series than about boasting artists' names or trying to get people to come for name/company name recognition.
  • we want to articulately invite artists to show works in progress or snip-its of ideas or finished-works-made-informal in an environment where there are open (not high) audience expectations and where there is a real exchange of ideas between artists and audience simply through hanging out and talking in an unforced manner.
  • we want the artists and audience to contribute to the blog. Let's get talking about how we can have in-progress-showings and simultaneously explore issues of: accessibility, art as research in the field or for art's sake, art as a product or commodity, art as a means of inclusion...etc. Lets clarify the artist's intent and the audience member's intent and the "curator's" intent...and just when we put our finger on it, lets overturn it and vow to not let things get stagnant. How bout that?
Ultimately, we are annoyed with all the work-in-progress smorgasbord showings that seem to be so popular and serve up unfinished work as lukewarm products with the intention of exposure, getting feedback from the audience, etc. The feedback often seems irrelevant and awkward, the artists explanations are always littered with disclaimers, and its equally as boring as a corporate power point.

For each show we ask about 4 artists to show work and have a band play and have one case of beer. it is free.

We invite you to check out our first revamped Snip-its and Sounds for a Thursday on May 27th, 2010 @ 8PM. We are working on the line-up as we speak, but we'd rather you come not to support your artist friends, or so you can say you went to see "insert special Philly dancer's name here", but more because you are hungry for ideas and want to be part of a pluralistic and less stagnant night of dance, music, and whatever the hell else the night brings and you bring to it!


  1. this is so exciting and so right in line with what we are trying to do over at thefidget space with our "process project" series. we need more discourse in this community...i'm tired of asking, or being asked, whether i "liked" something or not... also relates to kate speer's corporeal crosstalk, which i am equally excited about. this is great!!

  2. thanks guys! i look forward to attending sometime (and maybe participating!)
